
We’re an independent, Bible-teaching church in Wichita Falls, Texas. Whether you’re simply curious about Jesus or ready to grow deeper in your relationship with him, we’d love to welcome you into our family.

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First Steps


Hear from ACA in India

Sunday, June 16

We’re excited to welcome Dr. Stephen George from Asian Christian Academy in southern India. He’ll encourage us with Scripture and share an update on how God continues to be at work in their region of the world. Learn more about ACA at their website below.

This Week

Here’s everything happening for our church family over the next few days. Want to see everything that’s coming up? Tap the button below for a monthly view.

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Sunday Worship: 9:15 am or 10:45 Am

Office Hours: Mon – Thu, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

5214 Stone Lake Drive

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