What are we Doing?
After nearly 20 years in our current location, we’ve identified several areas of improvement and expansion that are needed to enhance safety and meet the needs of a changing culture. We hosted a special church family meeting on May 21, 2023 to share these needs in detail, answer questions, and explain how you can give toward these projects. The full video of this hour-long meeting is available below.
What’s the Process?
It is our long-standing policy to not go into debt for building projects. This means we do not sign any contracts or begin any work until all necessary funds are in hand to pay for new construction in cash, trusting the Lord’s timing and provision for every need. Work on each of the projects below will only begin as gifts come in to the building fund.
Another tradition when Grace Church builds is the “faith promise.” This is an opportunity for each household to prayerfully consider what they might give over the next 36 months, write down that number, and anonymously place it a giving box without compulsion or manipulation. Through this mechanism, the elders get a sense of how the Lord is at work in the hearts of our church family and allow that to direct our timeline. Faith Promise cards are available throughout the building, or you can download a printable card if you’d like to mail in your support.
The faith promise is completely between you and the Lord. We use the total amounts promised as a guide to our overall planning, but this is only an estimate since no actual work begins until funds have been given. This means we have no set timeline for the projects below and will continue to rely on God’s provision at each step along the way.
What Needs to be Done?
We have identified four initial projects based on issues of safety, capacity, family needs, and modernization. The total for these four projects is $6.3 million. The list below is chronological — each project will begin in order as gifts come in to the building fund.
How Do I Get Involved?
First, we appreciate your prayers and attention to the Lord’s leading as we make these changes together. To add your commitment to our Faith Promise total, please fill out an anonymous card and place it in any offering box located throughout the building. You can also download a printable Faith Promise card and submit it by mail. When you’re ready to give, you can designate any gift placed in an offering box as being for the building fund. Doing so will directly help fund the next project on the list, and your gift will be treated with the same anonymity as all giving at Grace Church. You can also click here to give online toward the building fund at any time.